Everyone wants to feel good. Being healthy, happy, and wise is is always desirable. Luckily, there are ways to achieve these goals. 


First of all, it's nice to know that years are continually being added to our lives. “Life expectancy around the world is expected to increase by nearly five years in men and more than four years in women during the next three decades.” 


The numbers are very encouraging. “Overall life expectancy is predicted to increase from 73.6 years to 78.1 years between 2022 and 2050. The average number of years a person can expect to live in good health will rise from 64.8 years in 2022 to 67.4 years in 2050. U.S. life expectancy rose in 2022 to 77.5 years, the first year that life expectancy rose in the United States since the pandemic.” (https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2024/05/17/global-life-expectancy/4171715964739/)


Achieving a longer life fits in with a form of exercise that's becoming more popular – gentle movement. “It’s easy to get swept up in intense, popular fitness trends and regimens. While fitness activities such as high-intensity interval training can be beneficial to your health, so can slowing down and embracing the idea of gentle movement.”


The concept is simple. “Gentle movement is the idea that slowing down and participating in activities while fully present and in a way that is kind to your mind and body can improve your mental and physical wellness. There's no definitive list of gentle movement activities, but practices that allow you to physically and mentally slow down or find respite from daily mental and physical stress and don't measure their success by calories burned or pounds lost generally qualify as gentle movement.” More about this at: https://www.wellandgood.com/gentle-movement/


If part of your gentle movement routine includes leisurely strolls, new technology might come into play. “According to AAA, three-quarters of all pedestrian fatalities occur after dark. Automotive technology supplier Magna is actively trying to change that, with thermal technology installed on 1.2 million vehicles and counting.”


Think of this as night vision for cars. “Magna’s thermal sensing product sees the road ahead up to four times farther than the typical headlight range. Currently available on forty different vehicle models across thirteen manufacturers, this technology was created to reduce pedestrian and cyclist deaths.”


Better yet, this technology is not affected by fog, rain, snow, smoke, glaring sun or total darkness. Plus, it “sees” pedestrians over a football field away. (https://www.popsci.com/technology/magna-night-vision-cars/)


Sometimes, feeling good can be easy and cheap. EatingWell.com says oatmeal fits this description. “There's so much you can do with a container of oats. You can enjoy them warm, bake them into bars or muffins, or even blend them into a waffle batter.” 


The bottom line is that this unassuming grain provides some powerful benefits. “Oatmeal's high fiber content and prebiotic qualities may benefit your body in more ways than one. It can potentially lower your disease risk, help your gut health thrive,  and keep you feeling fuller for longer.” (https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7996442/what-happens-to-your-body-when-you-eat-oatmeal-every-day/)


This time of year eating healthy is easier because of the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. PopSci.com advises that properly cleaning produce is a critical procedure. “Whether sourced from a grocery store or a local farmers market, fruits and vegetables come into contact with numerous surfaces and hands during their journey to your kitchen. This makes them susceptible to various contaminants. Proper cleaning is crucial not only for enhancing food safety but also for preserving the nutritional integrity of fresh produce.” 


There are specific methods for cleaning firm produce, leafy greens, and delicate produce at: https://www.popsci.com/health/how-to-wash-fruits-and-vegetables/. It's interesting to note that in all cases the cleaning agent is plain water. “Studies have indicated that rinsing and scrubbing fresh produce under cold running water is just as efficient as using a vinegar solution to reduce bacteria on fresh produce.” 


When it comes to eating, something that's good for you is fine and dandy. On the other hand, taking a brief respite could involve something that falls into the “stress reliever” category. Remember how refreshing those frosty creamsicles tasted on a hot summer day? “The classic flavor combination of oranges and cream has once again hit the mainstream.” 


Get ready for a national holiday, because August 14 is National Creamsicle Day. “The nostalgic dessert is nearly a century old, and its now iconic flavor profile has experienced a recent boom in popularity. The flavor can currently be found in everything from a frosty to yogurt, soda and candy.” 


Ah, but the best is still the venerable creamsicle. “We’re looking for something as a society that’s still going to allow us to feel comforted with familiar flavors that might give us that bit of nostalgia.” (https://www.today.com/food/news/orange-creamsicle-flavor-trend-explained-rcna160749)


Finally, often a hearty laugh is all we need to release all the tension accumulated during a busy day. Check out the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW65wigJUXw. The title is: “My husky repeats everything I say.” When was the last time your pet  said “I love you” in real English words? 


Jim Neff is a local columnist. Read Neff Zone columns online at CadillacNews.com and NeffZone.com/cadillacnews.