The Memorial Day weekend is upon us and that means a full slate of get-togethers. All of these will feature food as a main attraction. With that in mind, munchies will probably be the theme underlying many discussions.


An intriguing question might get the ball rolling. In your opinion, is a taco a sandwich? Before answering, you should know that this issue has been decided by a court in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The case is complicated, but the bottom line is simple. The court ruled that “...tacos and burritos are Mexican style sandwiches.” (


If you're having a taco sandwich, you may want to garish it with some onions. Would you prefer scallions or green onions? This choice is easier that you might think. “When it comes to distinguishing scallions vs. green onions, these terms describe the same vegetable. The only difference between the two is regional terminology.” (


Do you like cheese on your burrito sandwich? Since you live in America, you're in luck. The federal government once owned a cheese reserve. “While ownership of the stockpile eventually passed into private hands, in 2016, the USDA announced plans to purchase eleven million pounds of cheese to lessen the strain on private facilities. There is still around 1.4 billion pounds of the stuff in storage.” (


Speaking of cheese, a dairy in Wisconsin has found a nifty way to sell its products – a cheese vending machine. “Perrystead Dairy has officially opened a self-service cheese dispensary, ensuring those craving cheese can get it whenever they wish.”

There's more. “Inside the machine, guests will find a variety of the farm's cheeses and even some charcuterie items like meats, preserves, and crackers. The machine is also stocked with charcuterie boards made out of marble, wood, or slate.” (


Nothing goes with a taco/burrito sandwich like an ice cold beer. This brings up two questions. Can beer go bad? What's better for beer storage, bottles or cans? An expert notes: “You have to look at it as the freshness of this as something like bread or like a food product because that’s what it is. The three enemies of fresh beer are heat, air and light.” 


Considering this, cans store better than bottles. “Now that cans are the preferred vessel for many beers, light exposure isn’t as much of an issue as it used to be. But it can still spoil beer in bottles. Beer styles that rely on hop flavor are the most susceptible to going bad quickly. IPAs are very much the most sensitive style to aging.” (


During summer, some brands of beer suggest imbibers enhance the brew with a wedge of lemon or lime. You can do a fun demonstration in this regard. Lemons float, but limes sink. “Objects only float if they’re less dense than the liquid they're placed in, and while both limes and lemons have densities close to that of water, limes are denser than their yellow counterparts. That remains true whether the lemon or lime whole, peeled, or sliced. A lemon will always float, and a lime will always sink.”



When it comes to drinks, many “experienced” folks might remember pop (not soda) from bygone days. One of these was Nehi. “Nehi sodas were a line of fruit-flavored soft drinks introduced in 1924. The Nehi line included flavors such as grape, peach, orange, and root beer.” Nehi was around for a while, but was eventually absorbed by the company that produced Royal Crown Cola. 


However, that's not the end of the story. “Nehi can still be found in limited distribution, and it endures as a nostalgic pop culture emblem. Grape Nehi was depicted as the favorite drink of the character Radar in the 1970s TV series M*A*S*H, and the leg lamp in the 1980 film 'A Christmas Story' was based on vintage Nehi advertisements.” (


Regardless of what you are drinking, there are some niceties involved when you are the recipient of a toast. “Since you’re being feted, etiquette experts would perceive lifting your glass as a vain gesture, like giving applause to your own performance. Instead, practice the role of grateful recipient: Refrain from touching your glass and punctuate the toast with a thank you.” 


For the rest of us, there is also some advice. “Another common toast faux pas is clinking glasses to make the good tidings official. Knocking drinks with a tableful of people can require awkward stretching, causing spills or even broken glassware. A more dignified solution? Just hold those glasses aloft.” (


Finally, if you're looking for something to tide you over until the party repast commences, a quintessential Michigan lunch may be just the thing. Everything you'll need is readily available at local stores and markets for this ultimate Michigan PB&J classic. 


Get some locally baked white bread for your base layer. Then find some locally made jelly (any flavor will suffice). The peanut butter is a key and there is none better than Velvet (made in Detroit). Be generous with the portions of every layer. This is no time to be skimpy.


As an accompaniment, potato chips are a tradition. Better Made Originals (Detroit) are a prime choice. 


The drink option comes from a company that originated in Michigan in 1907 – Faygo. Nothing goes with a PB&J like a big slug of Faygo Red Pop. 


There you have it. Enjoy you Memorial Day weekend. 


Jim Neff is a local columnist. Read Neff Zone columns online at and